Friday, December 16, 2011

Picture this!!!

I'm on the subway this morning, my Droid phone "ker-plunks" at me.  I check my email. My friend Tara, a realtor, sends me a new listing from her agency.

I quickly glance at the listing summary. I'm thinking, "great, right price, right location, right size lot, right interior specs."  I'm excited, "could this be our dream house?"  I click to the listing's page with baited breath and and behold--the dreaded "image not available" where at a minimum an exterior shot should be.

This is not acceptable, people!!!!  We live in the digital age!  Borrow a friend's camera, buy a single-use digital camera from Walgreens for $20.  Hell let your listing agent take pictures with his or her camera,if need be. But never, ever, ever, ever list your home on the internet without images.

Buyers are using the internet now more than ever when shopping for homes.  This isn't 1996 when everyone had one desktop PC and it was the only way to access the internet.

With the advent of laptops, tablets and smartphones, we literally carry the internet with us whereever we go. On any given day I'll have two out of the three with me.  So shopping either for a car, a pair of designer boots or a house will more likely than not involve the internet.

So, my colleagues, what reasons (read: excuses) have you heard from sellers for not being prepared for the selling process on what I think is the most rudimentary level? 

Sound off!!

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